If you are developer working majorly on Microsoft IDE's then you would be aware of the intellisense feature which they provide.
As I am very much used to it when ever I work on SQL Query Analyser I miss that feature :) Yesterday night when i was browsing without any specific agenda in mind I stumbled on this.
As I am very much used to it when ever I work on SQL Query Analyser I miss that feature :) Yesterday night when i was browsing without any specific agenda in mind I stumbled on this.
Come-on guys make use of this wonderful opportunity at the earliest :) You can download the SQL Prompt here.I was really happy to know that Red-Gate is offering their product SQL Prompt obsolutely free (till Sep 2006).
To become much more lazy :)
Thanku Vadivel for all your useful info!!
As far as where and how to find information? Its a very broad question by itself. The bottomline is keep your eyes open and observe whats happening around you (i mean IT) always. Getting to read blogs (there are lots of active tech bloggers aroudn the world) is one such step towards updating ourself.
In the first place Red Gate acquired the product and they are not the one who developed it. Since they found the design not being very flexible, they are reconstructing it. So till they finish , they are offering it free, so that no one complaints or it does not spoil their reputation in their SQL SERVER market. All these days I was using a third party tool that provides generic intellisense and I added my own key words so that I can type it faster!!!