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My Wedding Anniversary :)

Six years back on the same day I married Sai Lakshmi (12-July-2000). I know Sai for almost 13 years now :) I fell in love with her during my 12th standard. I know @ 17 yrs any person wouldn't be matured enough to make a big decision like this. But thank God my choice was perfect :)

Even now, very often we used to think about the past and laugh at our behaviors/actions then. My love story would be really interesting (at least for me and Sai :)) and I am sure none of you guys would be interested in reading about it so lemme not get into it in-depth. But one thing which I want to share is "Without Sai, I wouldn't have entered into the IT field at all". She was instrumental in convincing me to study my Master's degree in Computer Application. That's the move that changed my career.

Till my schooling, my dream was to either become a "big" sportsman (Cricket and Badminton were my favorites at that time.) or an Aeronautics engineer. Unfortunately, my left knee got badly injured in an accident and it ended up in a ligament tear. So my first dream was shattered. I was nowhere near becoming an Aeronautics engineer as my score wasn't sufficient enough to fetch me a free engineering seat. But I got through in St. Peter's Engineering College, Annanur, Chennai. Somehow I wasn't interested in doing my engineering via payment quota (another way to say we didn't have enough money to pay :) ).

Though I was confident of getting an engineering seat to be on the safer side I had applied to Loyola College for Bsc Computer Science as well. Huh after knowing that I could only do an arts degree I along with my father went to meet the Principal of that college. In the due course based on well-wisher's advice we took a recommendation letter from a church father too :) You know what, the principal didn't even open that cover ... he tore and dumped it into the dustbin. For some reason, he said I am not eligible for a seat in that college :( (If my memory is right I have scored between 80 to 90% in Computers).

I wasn't too sure about what to do next as I can't get into engineering and I am not eligible (!!!!) in the only arts college I have applied (Loyola College). At that time, my father’s friend was a Mathematics lecturer at Nandanam Arts College, Chennai. So somehow we managed to apply for it at the last minute and got a slot in BSc Mathematics.

Though the lecturers there were all highly qualified there were few students who play the spoilsports as usual. Because of those kinds of students, the college gets a bad name and in turn, the students themselves are getting affected when they try to build a career later. That's what exactly happened to me as well. There were many incidents where I was shown the doors during the interview process just because I have studied from Nandanam Arts College.

I always wonder how education and IT career are related? There are many Mechanical Engineers, Chemical Engineers, EEE, etc., guys working as Software pros. How is that possible? To me, a person with good knowledge of computers, good attitude and interest to learn can be easily molded to an excellent resource as per the project need. That said, I know of many bright people who are either college dropouts or haven't done their Bachelors degree itself. But most of those guys are well settled. On the same line, I know of many persons who are still suffering because of not studying well during their school days :(

In my 9 years of IT, career initial 2 to 3 years were a real pain. As I didn't have a degree from any reputed institutes I was forced to fight my way up. I used to work without any salary for a few years just to gain experience. During that period I have worked as a paperboy, sold toys, raincoats near Loyola College, etc., as my part-time jobs. How else I could meet my day to day expense :) Though those were the really painful period in my life it helped me understand Sai better / fully.

I am glad to say that Sai is responsible for whatever little I have achieved till now in life. There were times when all my relatives wrote me off but Sai stood beside me and encouraged me a lot.

Let me stop here. If I start to talk or write about Sai I don't stop that easily :)

Many More Happy Returns of the Day Sai. Thanks for having confidence in me and staying with me through my lean period. I LOVE YOU ALWAYS.

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Anonymous said…
Happy wedding anniversary :)
Anonymous said…
I dont post commments that soon. I'm a but lazy. But ur true love story made me to click on post this comment immdeidately after I completed reading it(I didnt even sign-in).
I know u for a year now but I didnt know this story. This has been a source of inspiration for me.
oh my god, I need to wish you and ur wife first!!!
I wish both of you a happy wedding anniversary!!
Yes, you are right. You should thank ur wife first. And, at the same time, I feel she is lucky enough too :)

I'm happy that you are not forgetting the past. What an acheievement.
Keep it up Vadivel!
I sincerely wish you achieive great heights in you career. Congrats again and Wishing you all
the very best

Anonymous said…
Nice to know about you and your Life Partner.

Many Regards
Anonymous said…

Just awesome to see you both crossing all the hurdles in life for the past 13 years and live life with the same love you had before...

Congratulations to both of you :)
Tejas said…
Vadivel, Congratulations to you and Sai. You have been there and know it all kid :). Although you have summarised your life in few words, it is still inspirational. Well done!!

Glad I know a high achiever like you..
Varalakshmi said…
Happy wedding anniversary Vadivel!! Really impressed by ur love story! Hats off to you and ur wife!!Very rare to see people like this.Mostly people have a fluctuating mind and change their decisions according to the situations. Very rare to see such true people around us especially during our difficult time. But, u people have proved that urs is an exceptional case.
Very glad to see such gud people.
Let this post be a lesson to others!
By sincere wishes to both of you.
Vignesh Kumar said…
Hi Vadivel,
Happy weddin anniversary.. :)

I know about ur love marriage b4 itself, but the way u hv got thru this position... juz now came to know.. And i dont hv any words to say..

Hats off to u n ur wife.. !!
Hi Vadivel,

Amazed by your love story :) Hats off to you both for sticking together even during tough times.
Also amazed by the fact that you were about to study in my college- St.Peter's Engg College. ( Missed a great alumni)

Very inspirational and glad that you shared this with us :)
Happy anniversary to you both :)
Srini said…
Happy Wedding Anniversary Vadivel :)

Well, certainly the best real love story I have ever heard or read. Hats off to you and your wife. Love at 17 and maintaining it is awesome :) You certainly set to rock the entire future generation to come, as a role model not just professionaly but also personally.

The way you have come up professionally has also made me spellbound. In one word 'Inspirational' !!
Anonymous said…
Congrats!! Have a great and fun filled day.

vasanth said…
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vasanth said…
Happy wedding anniversary vadivel

behind every successfull man there is a women... ur story proves it :)...married a girl whom u loved in 12th Std is really gr8... heard a abt ur love story from santhi too... u hve impressed me in not tech matters too :)

And u know what... i did my engineering in St.Peter's Engineering College
Anonymous said…
Hi Vadi / Sai:

Wishing you both a very very happy anniversary

Vadi: Really impressed by your narration.

May you both have happiness and prosperity throughout your life

Joe Antony said…
Wish u happy anniversary,....

Anonymous said…
Hi Vadivel,
I know mostly all abt ur story. but nice to see this in ur blog.
Wishing to see u "100 more Anniversaries with UR loveable" and be same with me (let me also include in ur 100 yrs journey :-) )
I still remember one of ur famous quote, "My wife is a GOD for me". During a casual talk u said, but it made me think abt it many times. I stunned with that stmt, generally ppl say this in par with their mother & some elder followers. First time I heard such a stmt and later on I realized that she really deserves for it.
As I always say, "Good Guys get Good Girls", but a slight chg in it, sometime "Little bad also getting a very Good Girl" hm :-( some time GOD is so ample to certain ppl. wht to do??? :-)
Anonymous said…
Wish you botha fantastic Anniversary

Harikaran S said…
Happy Wedding Anniversary Vadivel :)

Its good to know that you got a partner who supports you in all time. Congrats...

Anonymous said…
Happy anniversary! you should have put a photo together to commemorate the occasion.
Vadivel said…
Thanks a lot guys :) its nice to here wishes from these many friends :)
Vadivel said…
ignore the typo in my previous comment :)
Anonymous said…
Hi Vadivel,

First let me wish you a happy wedding anniversary.
I am totally touched and couldnt let any words after reading your latest blog. Only a few people will have the guts to say abt their past life without hiding
anything. I can understand the pain that u have underwent in the past to reach a very good level now.

Hats off to you. Last but not the least, you will surely attain heights in life.

Happy Wedding Anniversary.

Sathish Raj
Anonymous said…
So you reached great position after facing many obstacles.

It looks like a story, not like real life. Explain your real life to one tamil director. They can make a film and they get good money.

Any way I am feeling great about you. Wish you and your sai have happy wedding anniversary.
Sivakasi Mahesh said…
Dear Vadivel,

Many More Happy Returs of the Day !!!

Really nice to see this blog. While reading your blogs some Bible quotes are striking in my mind

Houses and riches are the inheritance of fathers, and a prudent wife is from the LORD.
- Proverbs 19: 14

Whoever finds a wife finds good and gets favor from the LORD.
- Proverbs 18: 22

I am sure that you got the favour from the LORD.
It is really a GOD's gift for you

Beloved, in regard to all things I pray that you prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers.
3 John 1 : 2

You are always in my personal prayer

Vaaltha vayathillai, valamudan vaala Iraivanai praathikiraen !!!

Endrum Anbudan,
Vadivel said…
Thanks Ramesh for those inspiring words ... and welcome to my blogspace.

Thanks Mahesh for those excellent quotes!
Anonymous said…
Hi VadiVel

I read ur posts regularly.

Eachtime i read your post i learn a new technical thing.

Now it is a non tecnical but it is good thing to know about someone who wins his life with the support of his wife and hardwork.

This post is really wonderful and tells us something important for our personal life.

Wishing you both a very very happy anniversary


Great touching story.
It's so inspiring.
Both of you proved the importance of true love
Anonymous said…
Great true story.
Convey my best wishes to Sai.
Anonymous said…
Hi Vadi & Sai,

all the best...

i hearly wish u 2 hav a great time...

enjoy the life... :-)
Anonymous said…
hi vadivel,
After reading u r story i could not find any words to appreciate u,bcoz after reading the story i read the comments about the article and all the people had already used all the good words to appreciate u.But i can say one thing i wud definitely take some of u r good qualities and try to inculcate them into my life.i think that wud be much effective way to appreciate u.Actually vadivel is my fav Tamil commedian but now vadivel has now became my fav online Technical Mentor
Thanks and Regards
Maddy (Maddi Rama Surya Viswanath)
i blog at
Hemantgiri said…
Hi Vadivel,
Wish my God that you will have happy & Loveble moments in your life always & forever.....

Hemantgiri S. Goswami
Anonymous said…
I came to your site from google searching for SQL server issues. After reading your story, thought of congratulating you and Sai and wishing you all the very best always. Great man. Those who remembers the path they came thru, will achieve great things in life. So Good luck again Vadivel and Sai.

Anonymous said…
Hi Vadivel,
I didn't see your blog for a long time due to laziness, anyhow vaaltha age illai... my heartly wishes to your GOD. (Wife).
Unknown said…
Belated wishes
Hi vadivel

Really hats off to u n ur wife. I am really impressed by ur love story.hats of to ur love being stick together in tough time. I am in such a crucial position that my parrents are anti to my love. and truely inspired by reading ur love story.Thanks for ur post and wishing all success in ur life.
VijiNagaraj said…
Instead of calling it as very nice blog,i would say u have got a very nice wife..

Late wish,yet wholeherated wish ..
Anonymous said…
Hi Vadivel,

Very nice to read ur love story and the way you come up in your life. my heartiest wishes to you and i also learnt something like sai which am not before. so your life teaches me a lesson and also wishes for ur life.

Bindu Katoch said…
Sai i am sorry if as i may sound clunt. i came here to read a love story but looks like story of ur struggle in life more than ur love story. But its good to know that she stood by ur side when everyone else refused too. my husband has the same story as urs. but i came into his life much after the time when he may have needed me most but i love him for the hard working guy he is.. he also struggled a lot in his initial part of the career.
Birumanand said…
Great writeup....
It brought up a BIG smile, after reading this post.

Belated anniversary wishes.
Unknown said…
Vadivel reallly Nice , the situations you had specified is wat some of them, that me 2 had experienced...

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