update REDMOND, Wash.--Bill Gates, the man who started Microsoft and has been its public face throughout its three decades of existence, plans to step away from daily work at the company.
Gates announced on Thursday that he will gradually relinquish his current role, ceding the title of chief software architect immediately, while remaining a full-time employee for the next two years. In July 2008, he will remain as a part-time employee and chairman.
The announcement comes as his company battles pressures on all fronts: a sagging stock price, competition from Google and nagging delays in the Vista operating system.
Read the full story here OR from Microsoft site directly :)
Btw this is the guy (Ray Ozzie) who is going to replace Bill Gates (partly):

Related Post : http://vadivel.blogspot.com/2006/06/robert-scoble-is-leaving-microsoft-to.html
Technorati tags: Microsoft
Gates announced on Thursday that he will gradually relinquish his current role, ceding the title of chief software architect immediately, while remaining a full-time employee for the next two years. In July 2008, he will remain as a part-time employee and chairman.
The announcement comes as his company battles pressures on all fronts: a sagging stock price, competition from Google and nagging delays in the Vista operating system.
Read the full story here OR from Microsoft site directly :)
Btw this is the guy (Ray Ozzie) who is going to replace Bill Gates (partly):

Related Post : http://vadivel.blogspot.com/2006/06/robert-scoble-is-leaving-microsoft-to.html
Technorati tags: Microsoft
Gates is giving up the day to day activites and cocentrating on philkanthropy which he is very committed. he will be concentrating on the bill and MElinda foundation leader in public health.
But he wud still be the Chairman
btw, thanx for dropping by chandra.