In this post I have given one of the way to find out the missing numbers within a table. Please note the you need SQL Server 2005 to execute this example and test it yourself.
Sample table creation
Create table tblFindGaps
Sno int not null
Populate dummy records in the table:
Insert tblFindGaps values (1)
Insert tblFindGaps values (10)
Insert tblFindGaps values (3)
Insert tblFindGaps values (5)
Insert tblFindGaps values (9)
Insert tblFindGaps values (11)
Insert tblFindGaps values (15)
Insert tblFindGaps values (18)
Insert tblFindGaps values (22)
Insert tblFindGaps values (100)
Solution to find the missed out numbers:
Declare @intMaxNum int
Select @intMaxNum = max(Sno) from tblFindGaps;
With tempData (result) as
Select distinct FG.Sno + 1 from tblFindGaps FG where not exists
Select 1 from tblFindGaps FGP where FGP.Sno = FG.Sno + 1
) and FG.Sno < @intMaxNum
Union All
Select TD.result + 1 from tempData TD where not exists
Select 1 from tblFindGaps FGP where FGP.Sno = TD.result + 1
) and TD.result < @intMaxNum
Select result as 'Missing Numbers' from tempData order by result;
Sample table creation
Create table tblFindGaps
Sno int not null
Populate dummy records in the table:
Insert tblFindGaps values (1)
Insert tblFindGaps values (10)
Insert tblFindGaps values (3)
Insert tblFindGaps values (5)
Insert tblFindGaps values (9)
Insert tblFindGaps values (11)
Insert tblFindGaps values (15)
Insert tblFindGaps values (18)
Insert tblFindGaps values (22)
Insert tblFindGaps values (100)
Solution to find the missed out numbers:
Declare @intMaxNum int
Select @intMaxNum = max(Sno) from tblFindGaps;
With tempData (result) as
Select distinct FG.Sno + 1 from tblFindGaps FG where not exists
Select 1 from tblFindGaps FGP where FGP.Sno = FG.Sno + 1
) and FG.Sno < @intMaxNum
Union All
Select TD.result + 1 from tempData TD where not exists
Select 1 from tblFindGaps FGP where FGP.Sno = TD.result + 1
) and TD.result < @intMaxNum
Select result as 'Missing Numbers' from tempData order by result;