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Database 'msdb' cannot be opened due to inaccessible files or insufficient memory or disk space.

I am working on SQL Server 2005 for quite sometime now. For past couple of weeks I am facing a strange error often but not always!!

Refer the screenshot below to know the actual error:

Database 'msdb' cannot be opened due to inaccessible files or insufficient memory or disk space. See the SQL Server errorlog for details. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 945)

My system configuration:

I am using Windows XP Media center edition with SP2 and 1 GB RAM. I have SQL Server 2005 (version 9.00.1399.00)

What's the solution?

I came across this KB article - As per the KB article it looks like this error occurs because of a ACL issue here.

If it's an ACL issue I presume that SQL 2005 should not work for me always. I am wondering how it works for me once I restart my laptop couple of times.

Bottomline is I haven't yet found a solution for this. If at all you have run into this issu,e and have solved it, do write back to me.


Krishnan Sriram said…
Check if .MDF and .LDF files are in correct location.
Check to see if both the above mentioned files have read/write permissions. If the files are just read-only, kindly provide write permissions too

I had the same issue and by looking into the properties of .MDF and .LDF, I was surprised to see that they were read-only (don;t know how this happened). But on correction, things were back to normal. Hope this helps
Anonymous said…
had this issue today

managed t solve it;

apparently something had a hold of the MSDB file which was locking it from use

if you go to computer managementyou will see an option for sql2005 i simply stopped the service for the instance i was trying to connect to then restated it

this will of kicked any connections to the MSDB file which allowed me access once again
Anonymous said…
Reloading SQL also works. I had to do that using Express.
ksnkarthik said…
Had this issue today.

When I restarted all the services of SQL Server manually and the things are back to normal.

Thanks for the posting.
Anonymous said…
My problem was that the MSDBData.mdf file was compresses for some reason...
Anonymous said…
ksnkarthik thnxxxxxx
when i restarted the services the sql services the things are back to normal..
thank u very much.......

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