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Tip to prepare for interview -- Part II

This post is written having final year students in mind.

The first part of this series! is here. So if at all you haven't read it before, I suggest you have a look at it also.

Apart from your regular preparation for the final year exams and projects, it’s always better to do the following:

1. Spend time on group discussions
2. Work on Quantitative aptitude and reasoning questions again and again. Some of the famous authors in this topic are listed below for your easy reference.
a. George Summers
b. Shakuntala Devi
c. R.S. Agarwal
d. P.S. Agarwal
e. Barrons GRE

3. Spend time on websites to know more about Interviews. For example:

4. If you are informed by the company for an interview, collect data regarding the company (visit their website first without fail)

5. Prepare a write-up on your own vernacular. Try to translate it. Practice it in-front of your friends or your lectures or mirror and fine tune it.

6. Prepare a neat CV.



1. Provide the contact number which is reachable. Be prepared before an hour. Keep the CV with you at the time of interview.

2. Attend the interview in a calm atmosphere. If you are not comfortable at particular juncture, please request them to call back after some specified time.

3. Start with a pleasant note. Say “Hi” with the name of the person after hearing the name or just say “Hi”.

4. During conversation, listen carefully and start answering accordingly. Understand the question properly, before answering. If you come across any confusion in the conversation, hold on and explain what you have understood from the question and then continue.

5. Your conversation should be free-flowing and confident.

6. Be specific in your conversation.

7. Before concluding feel free to ask your doubts, questions and end with a pleasant note.

8. Do not overdo :)

In Person

1. Be present at the interview venue before half an hour.
2. Present yourself with formals.
3. Have a copy of Your CV and other testimonials
4. Look confident and relaxed
5. Your conversation should be free-flowing and confident.
6. Be specific in your conversation.

Observation by the panel members

Broadly there are three categories:

1. Poor communication skills
2. Attitude issues. Like arrogant mannerism etc, Lethargic attitude.
3. Fake project / company details.

The first two things you need to work on and improve yourself. The third point is something which you need to avoid religiously.

Few standard questions which you can expect in any interviews are:

1. Tell me about yourself!
2. What are your strength and weakness?

3. Brief on the projects you last worked on OR Explain the project you created during your Final year.

Points normally observed are: What role the candidate has played, whether he/she is a team member, did he/she initiated it, is he/she well informed, is he/she able to quantify it.

4. Try to quantify you work.

Points to note:

1. Please be aware of when and tom whom to do your negotiations.

2. Avoid showing fake projects, companies in your CV. As most of the major companies are doing background verification of a candidate.

3. Don’t ever crib about your previous employee / manager / team member etc., This would give a bad impression about you.

After Joining

1. Be participative
2. Be proactive
3. Be a team player
4. Start documenting whatever you do.
5. Write simple and clear mail to your team leader and manager.
6. Understand the project you are in. If you don’t understand try to refer the documents related to the project.

I would be updating this post on a periodic basis. I welcome suggestions and points to be added here from all you guys!

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