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Bill Gates tops again in Forbes 400 richest Americans ...

Forbes updated their list of the 400 richest Americans, and Bill G has maintained his TOP spot for the 13th or 14th continuous year.

Few other notables rankings are listed below for quick reference :)

#1 - Bill Gates - Microsoft - 53.0 billions
#4 - Larry Ellison - Oracle - 19.5 billions
#5 - Paul Allen - Microsoft - 16.0 billions
#7 - Michael Dell - Dell Computer - 15.5 billions
#12 - Sergey Brin - Google - 14.1 billions
#13 - Larry Page - Google - 14.0 billions
#15 - Steve Ballmer - Microsoft - 13.6 billions
#24 - Carl Icahn - Financier - 9.7 billions
#32 - Rupert Murdoch - News Corp - 7.7 billions
#32 - Pierre Omidyar - eBay - 7.7 billions
#38 - Sumner Redstone - Viacom - 7.5 billions
#45 - Eric Schmidt - Google - 5.2 billions
#49 - Steve Jobs - Apple/Pixar/Disney - 4.9 billions

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Anonymous said…
why wouldnt he be??
after all hes selling the same software for billions and paying peanuts to his developers...
Joe Antony said…
coz he is a REAL INNOVATOR
Anonymous said…
See how much they earn, and no doubt MVP also contributes a lot to this income, yet they hesitate to organize INDIA MVP meet this year. and top of that they say "we don;t do this every year, budjet constraints"
Harish said…
Point to note is that, Microsoft as a company isnt there even in the Top 25 list. The last time I saw it was 48 or 49.

They still spend quite a lot of money and it would be unfair to say, they havent cared for MVP. To be frank, MVPs get more than an MS FTE in certain cases. Take example of Company Store, even MS FTEs in India cannot order items to be shipped to them here, whereas MVPs can get.

MVP Summit is just one thing, but if you see the rest of goodies, MVP Award package you get, you wont have this question.

It is just my humble opinion.

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