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Are you looking for loans in Chennai?

My sister (Sumathi Maraimallai) was working with Citi Shelters for approx 3 years as a Manager for Personal Loans section. After that she moved to another company for better career growth and now she has become a DSA (Direct selling agent) of few MNC banks along with her friend Mr. Roshan (who was also working previously with Citi Shelters for approx 6 years).

On the other day she was asking for some referals. I said, I don't want to put people in trouble by giving away their mobile numbers :) Rather I thought I would put a word across here for the benefit of others.

If at all you are looking for Personal loans then you might want to make a note of their contact numbers [Feel free to refer my name so that they would realize that I am also capable of giving them business lol]:

Mobile - 9841283226
Land Line - 664561901 / 02 /03
E–Mail: corporateloans (at)

Couple of questions which I thought people would ask by default:

1. What is the duration for getting a loan approved?
The loan process tentatively takes about 7 working days for sanction.

2. What are the basic details one need to furnish while applying for loans?

These are the documents required:
(a) 1 Photograph
(b) 2 Latest Payslips
(c) Last 3 months bank statements
(d) Address Proof (Ration Card, Passport, utility bill, Driving licence, Phone Bill, Voters ID, Letter from your organizations HR) -- This should reflect the current residential address.
(e) ID Proof (PAN card, Passport, Voters ID, Driving licence)
(f) Signature Proof (PAN card, Passport, Driving License, Bank Verification)

Apart from "Personal Loans" if at all you are looking for any other types of loans feel free to discuss with them. Based on their network they can accommodate your need on a case to case basis.

If possible, just spread the word around and help them succeed in their business.



This would really be useful for many seeking personal loans. At the same time, I also sincerely appreciate your gesture of supporting DNC concepts and to 'contain' Telemarketing menace.

I have a small suggestion with respect to the email address mentioned in your post. Can you change the email address to corporateloans (at) instead of mailto: hyperlinked.

This would save thier email address from spam robots that might be visiting the blog posts and thus victimizing the address to unsolicited email. Alternatively, you can have a Javascript hyperlink triggering mailto.

The bottomline is that we can minimize spam harvests by minimizing direct mailto: If you are curious over this topic, please visit this webpage.
Vadivel said…
Very true deepak. Thanks for pointing it out.

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