Irrespective of what technology we work with how many times have we landed on Stack Overflow / Stack Exchange website on a daily basis? If we ask this to any developer the answer would mostly be MANY times in a day :)
Site was launched in 2008 and is built using Windows, SQL Server, IIS, and ASP.NET along with HAProxy, Redis, and ElasticSearch, all served via Fastly CDN.
Fun Facts:
Programming stack used:
Deployment on a typical day:
Page rendering time:
Source: &
Site was launched in 2008 and is built using Windows, SQL Server, IIS, and ASP.NET along with HAProxy, Redis, and ElasticSearch, all served via Fastly CDN.
Fun Facts:
- 1.3 Billion page views per month
- They transfer ~55 TB data per month
- 4 SQL Servers (organized as 2 clusters)
- Stack Overflow serves 528 Million queries per day (Peak 11000 queries per second)
- Stack Exchange, Careers, meta serves 496 million queries per day (Peak 12800 queries per second)
- Over 360 databases with the same schema, which changes frequently
- They made use of Microsoft Bizspark program before getting graduated
- All their production traffic is served using physical servers &
- Cloud services are being used only for storing encrypted offsite backups (Glacier) and for DNS (Route53)
Programming stack used:
- Dapper ORM,
- StackExchange.Redis,
- DotNetOpenAuth,
- MiniProfiler,
- Jil
Deployment on a typical day:
- 25 times per day code deployment to the development server (just Stack overflow Q&A alone)
- 5 to 10 times a day production deployment happens!
Page rendering time:
- Homepage renders @ 12.2 millisecond
- Questions page renders @ 18.3 milliseconds
Source: &