I would strongly suggest to do this in the front end application (or) make use of CLR based function to do this job. But for simple well formed html string may be we can make use of the new XML datatype introduced in SQL Server 2005 as shown in the below example. CREATE FUNCTION dbo.Strip_WellFormed_HTML ( @inputString VARCHAR(MAX) ) RETURNS VARCHAR(MAX) AS BEGIN --Variable Declaration DECLARE @htmlContent XML DECLARE @parsedValue VARCHAR(MAX) --Variable Initialization SET @htmlContent = @inputString; WITH HTML(InnerText) AS ( SELECT Html.Tag.query('.') FROM @htmlContent.nodes('/') AS Html(Tag) ) SELECT @parsedValue = InnerText.value('.', 'VARCHAR(MAX)') FROM HTML RETURN @parsedValue END GO Pasting of html tags in blogger seems to be a diffic...
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